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About me

90% of businesses fail. The most common cause is lack of customer demand.
This bites most often in years 2 to 5.

Over 20 years in finance I hired, trained and managed award winning research teams on three continents for some of the world’s most respected investors and banks.

I learned the secrets of the many ways that companies succeed and the handful in which they fail.

Then I had enough.

No more crazy travel schedules, nine cities in a week, three flights in a day.

I used my commercial knowledge to become a technology company executive.

I learned about designing and building products, the differences in managing sales and engineering teams and how to negotiate with suppliers, partners and investors.

Now I help startups to scale by applying 30 years of deep experience specifically to your business.

Have you created a product that's going to change the world?

And are you going to prove it by delivering insane value and being hugely profitable?

How's it going?

Maybe you've considered investors but struggle to find people who share your values.

Perhaps you've made key hires but find it hard to know how and what to delegate to them.

Potentially your sales aren't delivering the revenue you expect and the team sometimes lacks urgency.

Possibly your cash flow is tight and you stress about making payroll.

You're struggling without commercial PROCESSES.

As a result you're dragged back into the day-to-day when you want to be strategic. You may be making unnecessary hires and you're wasting thousands on single application tools.

There's purpose at the heart of your business but you can't seem to convey it to colleagues and customers.

Now imagine only doing work you love, being strategic, accelerating growth and starting new projects.

Visualise only working with customers you select, who respect you and pay on time.

Picture your value proposition understood and respected by colleagues, clients and competitors.

Envisage people and partners excited to work with you.

How are you going to do it?

By learning how to P.R.O.F.I.T. Through Process. What do I mean by that?

I mean unlocking the power of the resources you already have at your disposal.

Then unleashing the potential of the people you already work with, and

Designing processes that are efficient, scalable and transferable.

Never has there been a time when the world was more open to new ideas.

Customers are searching for transparent and sustainable solutions.

New tools create efficiency provided you have processes in place.

People who have implemented just part of this system have sold their business for eight digits.

They have been rated among the most respected in their industry.

They have generated millions in recurring revenues.

Those who have put process before outcome have grown to be worth much more.

Are you serious about building a robust and sustainable business?

I’ll see you soon.

90% of businesses fail. The most common cause is lack of customer demand.
This bites most often in years 2 to 5.

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About me

Over 20 years in finance I hired, trained and managed award winning research teams on three continents for some of the world’s most respected investors and banks.

I learned the secrets of the many ways that companies succeed and the handful in which they fail.

Then I had enough.

No more crazy travel schedules, nine cities in a week, three flights in a day.

I used my commercial knowledge to become a technology company executive.

I learned all about designing and building products, the differences in managing sales and engineering teams and how to negotiate with suppliers, partners and investors.

Now I help startups to scale by applying 30 years of broad and deep experience specifically to your business.

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Thank you for contacting me and I'll be in touch as soon as possible. I look forward to talking with you. Best wishes, Simon
